
The Detection Blueprint

Introducing…The Detection Blueprint! If you have ever wanted to learn how to train canine detection from start to finish, you can join us for the three part series, The Detection Blueprint! Over this three part series, we’re going to break down detection training and share knowledge, insights and tactics – tactics that I’ve learned over the last 25 years training working dogs. In 3, 2-hour long sessions, you will learn detection foundations, your detection process, and making your detection operational.


if you’re interested in detection training, really this is a webinar series you don’t want to miss! You get lifetime access by going to StreetReadyK9.com!



Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Seminars: https://streetreadyk9.com/ 

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 




ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 


The Detection Blueprint (AD)

Street Ready K9

Introducing…StreetReadyK9.com! On the brand new site, you will be able to see all upcoming seminars from Tarheel Canine, download all registration information necessary for the seminars, as well as use the portal to request information regarding hosting a seminar with little to no cost to you (no matter the size of your department). If you are looking for a seminar and some quality training Tarheel Canine Training can provide it for you! Go on to StreetReadyK9.com and look at the different options for seminars that we have and we’ll be happy to chat with you about how to make that happen.

Also on the website, you will be able to find the long-anticipated audio version of the Controlled Aggression book and the Detection Blueprint Course. More online courses will be coming in the following months, but take advantage of this training now!


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Street Ready K9: https://streetreadyk9.com/ 

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.



Heuristics of Reward and Punishment History

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • What a heuristic is and how it applies to rewards and punishments. 
  • Allowing for mental development during your training. 
  • Training multiple commands for the same actions. 
  • Differences in training obedience and detection. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Histories create biases. You also need to understand your dog’s temperament and how they are going to generalize behavior. 
  • You do not need to perfect the behavior you are training all at once. Allowing time between working on a skill often allows for mental development. 
  • “All the time” and “never” are going to create problems. You need to find a balance in your training. 
  • A variable reward scheme is the key to balanced training. 


“if you’re struggling with that call off, what you’re lacking is balance. If you wait too long to create that behavior, you can also have some problems, because you’ve created such a reward history. Dogs that have out problems have a reward history that is massive in terms of biting and possessing the bite equipment or biting and possessing the decoy.” —  Jerry Bradshaw


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Street Ready K9: https://streetreadyk9.com/ 

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 




ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Attention, Direction & Draw

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Thinking about the end game from the beginning of your training. 
  • Creating neutrality through all kinds of distractions. 
  • Look at me, look at me while, look at that, and look at that while commands for your dog. 
  • Balancing draw to fight against drift. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Attention is the dog’s anchor. Give them a point to focus on that allows them to be neutral to everything else around.  You have to control a dog’s eyes to control their behavior. 
  • You want to lay the foundation for sending on command, not sending on agitation and discriminating between the two early on in your training. 
  • Create neutrality through time on the field. 
  • No matter how advanced your dog is, keep working on your fundamentals. That is where the strength lies when you are in actual scenarios. 


“One of the most important fundamental exercises of attention is teaching the dog to look at me, then look at that, and then look back to me, and then look back to that and change it up for the dog where I point the dog at different things that might be of concern to him.” —  Jerry Bradshaw


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 

Tarheel Canine Seminars: https://streetreadyk9.com/ 




ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 

Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Back Tie Basics

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Best practices and variations on utilizing a back tie. 
  • Appropriate, sturdy back ties on different surfaces and tables. 
  • How to decoy while using a back tie for many types of training. 
  • Balancing bringing the dog to the decoy, and the decoy to the dog. 


Key Takeaways:

  • The longer the back tie, the bigger the circle is. This creates additional challenges with the dog possibly getting tangled. 
  • The back tie is adjustable based on your needs. Look at what training you are doing and utilize the back tie to help assist that training. 
  • The dog needs to activate, and the decoy needs to react to that activation. This will create a proactive dog. 
  • The kinds of things that we’re doing when we’re working dogs on the back tie is working through all of our foundation fundamentals.


“Having the dog on a back tie makes it so that if you get too close and get bit, it’s your own damn fault as the decoy. I’m not relying on that handler to keep me safe. Especially with some new handlers or some handlers that don’t have a lot of experience or maybe have a particularly powerful dog, having that dog back tied is just going to give us an extra margin of safety.” —  Jerry Bradshaw 


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 

Tarheel Canine Seminars: https://streetreadyk9.com/ 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 



Ben Lepinski: Dog/Puppy Selection, Independence, Nerves, Recovery & Decoy Training

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw and Ben Lepinski discuss:

  • Raising and training sport dogs and police dogs from a decoy perspective. 
  • Attributes that make for a good sport dog. 
  • Handling a dog in fear and avoidance (without creating a bigger problem in the fear period). 
  • Digging to the root of an issue and not just taking it at the surface level. 
  • Teaching the dog to solve problems on his own with proper progressions. 


Key Takeaways:

  • When selecting a puppy, understand what you want to do with the dog, then look at the attributes of the parents (not just the titles). 
  • In training, you’re going to struggle with something. The dog having independence is a great thing, as it shows they will be less likely to fall into confusion and safety seeking behavior when they hit a challenge. 
  • Don’t repeat the problem when the dog is stressed. Get his confidence back up and a while later, ease them back into a similar situation before approaching the exact same situation. 
  • The fewer repetitions of the bad thing happening, the greater chance of rehabilitating the dog. 
  • The best way to bond with your dog is to work your dog, regardless of if you get a puppy or an older dog. 


“I’m more interested in that dog that’s going to go find his own satisfaction in his environment, instead of looking for me to kind of bring him through it. —  Ben Lepinski 


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Ben: 

Bio: http://www.tarheelcanine.com/2011/09/ben-lepinski-police-k9-instructor/ 

Website: www.tarheelcanine.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ben.lepinski/  

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Ben_Lepinski 

Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

HRD: Hyper Aggressive & Hyper Passive Suspects

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Handling hyper aggressive or hyper passive suspects on high risk deployments. 
  • Taking role play seriously in training to properly prepare for high risk scenarios. 
  • Component training for good scenario training.
  • Backup neutrality and realistic role playing. 


Key Takeaways:

  • There must be clear communication between the canine handler and the SWAT team with highly aggressive suspects. 
  • Your dog must be a well conditioned athlete to endure a long and powerful fight. 
  • Passive engagement requires training your basic bite work so the dog understands it brings the prey alive, or the threat is neutralized by its actions. 
  • Passivity is a threat in police work and must be trained. 


“Training must create the habit of engagement using a variety of methods of awakening confidence, civil aggression, heightened prey aggression, a variety of equipment including hidden equipment, sleeves and suits, including muzzle and good solid targeting.” —  Jerry Bradshaw


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com



Contact Brad Smith: 

Website: https://k9tacops.com/ 


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 



Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Hot Pursuits, Focus Drills, & K9 Engagements

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Remediation through focus drills. 
  • Training door poppers with high communication and understanding. 
  • Patient handling to improve focus and targeting. 
  • Training in different conditions, such as night and day, and with different variables. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Dogs have a wide field of vision. It is possible that the first thing your dog sees may be the first thing they fixate on. 
  • Your dog is not going to learn every single thing they need to learn in a basic training class. You will likely need to continue training things with your dog after to strengthen your dog’s skills. 
  • Target lock is a key to creating the understanding and communication with your dog on where they need to go. 
  • The key to focus drills is lots of repetition. 


“Everything about success in engagements is making sure our dog knows where we want him to go. If your dog doesn’t understand where to go, the likelihood of him engaging goes down dramatically.” —  Jerry Bradshaw


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com

Superior Canine Website: https://superiorcanine.ca/ 

Superior Canine Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/superiorcanineinc 

Superior Canine Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/superiorcanineinc/ 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Dr. Jessalyn Klein: You’re Great at Dogs but You Suck at People

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw and Dr. Jessalyn Klein discuss:

  • Strategies for improving your people skills.
  • The building blocks of emotional intelligence. 
  • The power in taking a pause. 
  • Asking for (and processing) feedback, open ended questions, and how to connect with those you’re working with. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Emotional intelligence is the key to understanding people, including yourself. 
  • Self-awareness involves both taking the time to check in with yourself physically and emotionally, and paying attention to your tone of voice and body language. 
  • What is second nature to you, maybe incomprehensible to someone else. 
  • All humans need positive feedback, usually in a three positive to one negative for optimal learning.
  • If you know your stuff and can communicate it, age doesn’t matter. 


“You’re going to have to communicate what the dog can do, you’re going to have to talk the person through things that they’re doing right or things that they need to work on. If you can’t figure out how to be aware of your own delivery style, how you’re doing, and how the person you’re working with is doing, you’re not going to be able to meet in the middle to ultimately achieve your goals – which are ultimately for the dog, and probably keeping your business going.” —  Dr. Jessalyn Klein 


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jessalyn: 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessalynkleinphd/ 


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com



Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Human Focused Aggression for Police K9

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Understanding the basic biting principles. 
  • Creating neutrality to the equipment and distractions. 
  • The importance of understanding civil work. 
  • Human focused confrontation solved through biting. 
  • Training progressions in civil and bite work. 



Key Takeaways:

  • We want to teach the dogs in their basic foundation how they can win even when they get pushed into defense. 
  • Be more obsessed with the dog’s mood and how he is dealing with confrontation than you are with the biting behavior. 
  • You have to show the dog how to work in defense in training or you may fail in an actual human encounter because they may not understand the real goal. 
  • When your dog is struggling with passive biting, that says that your foundation is off somewhere. 


“That’s kind of the goal – we want the dog thinking about the confrontation with the man, not thinking about the equipment, and not thinking about what he’s going to be biting.” —  Jerry Bradshaw


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on Amazon.com


Contact Jerry:

Website: controlledaggressionpodcast.com

Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:  www.tarheelcanine.com

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website: psak9-as.org

Patreon:   patreon.com/controlledaggression

Slideshare: Tarheel Canine

Calendly: https://calendly.com/tarheelcanine 



ALM K9 Equipment: almk9equipment.com

PSA & American Schutzhund: psak9-as.org

Tarheel Canine: tarheelcanine.com



Train Hard, train smart, be safe.



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.