In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses: 

  • Needs verses wants. 
  • Tapping into the genetic needs to create fixed action patterns. 
  • Creating a heavily rewarded fixed action pattern. 
  • Thinking about foundations before getting wrapped up in methodology of training. 


Key Takeaways: 

  • All dogs have needs, but the intensity of those needs can vary between the dogs. 
  • A dog’s needs are theoretical; a dog’s wants are practical. 
  • No matter what you think of your genetics and your breeding program, good quality puppy raising from the time they are born until they go to their home matters. 
  • Dogs look at the world as a probability distribution. 


“What we really want are not needs. What we really need to focus on are wants. These are how to take these needs, these biological needs, and craft them, through training, to serve our purposes. When we take a need and create a want, now we have something that really can serve our purposes.” —  Jerry Bradshaw 


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Contact Jerry: 


Tarheel Canine Training: 

Youtube:  tarheelcanine 

Twitter: @tarheelcanine 

Instagram: @tarheelk9 

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining 

Protection Sports Website: 




Train Hard, train smart, be safe.  



Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie 


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.