Month: August 2022

Building a Successful PSA Club

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Starting a successful PSA club in your area that is good and healthy for trainers and canines.
  • Pros and cons of the two types of clubs you can run – democracy or top-down leadership.
  • The role of training directors and decoys within a PSA club.
  • Attending club, learning in seminars, following progressions, and learning from those who have had success in the sport you are pursuing. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Any place where people get together and share a passion, you will find certain types of conflicts.
  • New members will always need more guidance than a more experienced member. Same when a team member is transitioning between levels.
  • As training director, you are in charge of the safety of the dog, the safety of the trainer, and the safety of the decoys. Otherwise, you have to be willing to bend and let your trainers explore and try new things when they want to.
  • In a club atmosphere, training and information don’t all have to come from one person. Everyone can learn and grow from one another. 


“The approach has to be one where we look at shared success, and being genuinely happy as teams progress. Those teams have to realize they wouldn’t be anywhere without the decoys, without the training directors, without the people that are part of the successful approach that has allowed that team to be able to title successfully.” — Jerry Bradshaw  


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on


Contact Jerry:


Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:

Youtube: tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website:


Slideshare: Tarheel Canine


Tarheel Canine Seminars: 




ALM K9 Equipment:

PSA & American Schutzhund:

Tarheel Canine:

Superior Canine Website: 

Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 

Superior Canine Facebook: 

Superior Canine Instagram: 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.


Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it. 

Holding a Standard of Behavior

In this episode, Jerry Bradshaw discusses:

  • Knowing what an ideal behavior looks like when you’re working every stage of progression. 
  • Accountability and follow through. 
  • Short, medium, and long term goals in your organized training plan. 
  • Having proper technique and understanding reward structure for your dog. 


Key Takeaways:

  • You must hold a consistent standard of behavior to show the dog that there is no wiggle room is what you expect from them. 
  • Allowing departures from what is expected tells the dog that there is no standard of behavior. 
  • You have to understand how to craft a training session and understand what your goal of each training session is and how it fits into the bigger picture of your training plan. 
  • We want to be able to articulate our assessment of how things went and that allows us to understand what we need to do moving into the next session.


“You have to know what an ideal state and ideal behavior looks like, whether it’s a segment of behavior, or a part of a bigger behavior chain, when you’re working every stage of that dog’s progression. Whether you’re working something in the short, medium, or long term you have to really understand what standard you want to hold that dog to, and, every single time you bring that dog out, you have to hold him to that standard of behavior.” —  Jerry Bradshaw 


Get Jerry’s book Controlled Aggression on


Contact Jerry:


Email: [email protected]

Tarheel Canine Training:

Youtube:  tarheelcanine

Twitter: @tarheelcanine

Instagram: @tarheelk9

Facebook: TarheelCanineTraining

Protection Sports Website:


Slideshare: Tarheel Canine


Tarheel Canine Seminars: 




ALM K9 Equipment:

PSA & American Schutzhund:

Tarheel Canine:

Superior Canine Website: 

Aaron’s Superior Canine Email: [email protected] 

Superior Canine Facebook: 

Superior Canine Instagram: 


Train Hard, train smart, be safe.


Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You’re the expert. Your podcast will prove it.